Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stewart's "Snow White" Surprisingly Satisfactory - By Heather Harrison

Heather Harrison is a contributor
to The Skewed Review, and she
will be returning as a staff writer
to DSC's Dixie Sun in August!

Alright, so I’m probably a little bit behind on the times here, but I finally got around to seeing “Snow White and the Huntsman,” and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.

I went into the theater expecting to see the Kristen Stewart we all know and despise complete a with single facial expression and bizarre “acting” methods, but what I saw was almost shocking.

For those who don’t know, “Snow White and the Huntsman” is a movie that really brings a whole new spin to the classic fairytale—complete with dwarves (I lost track, but I think it was more than seven), evil witch, and of course the sexy male lead who—in my opinion—outshines the main actress by more than a little bit.

That could just be because, once you see him in “Avengers,” every other role he plays seems that much more epic.

Anyway, back to my point: Kristen Stewart. I know it seems like I have nothing but detest for her acting methods, but really that’s not always the case. In this movie I have to give her some serious props. This movie proves that when you put an actress like Kristen Stewart in the right role, she can really be phenomenal! Enough about Stewart, though.

If the acting wasn’t enough to keep me enthralled in this movie, the effects were to die for. I have to give the movie crew four out of five of the creepiest poison apples I’ve ever seen (not literally of course because they need to keep doing what they do) for the work they did on this movie. Every time I saw the mirror, the queen shift from crow to human, or that huge troll, I got shivers!

Maybe I’m just a sucker for a morbid version of any “Disney classic,” but the way director Rupert Sanders portrayed this version of “Snow White” made it good enough that I’d see it in theaters several more times if I had the time!

I was skeptical at first what with the director I wasn’t really familiar with, the actress I thought was my least favorite of current Hollywood starlets (I now have to find a new one), and the film coming out just shortly after another “Snow White” type movie came out. I felt as though this was just going to be another retelling like every other movie that seems to be coming out lately.

Even through all of that, though, I made myself go and see it before passing judgment, and boy I am glad I did. Not often do I find movies that I would pay to see more than once, and this one was definitely one of them.

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